

ANIMATION: process, used by one or more animators, to give the sensation of movement to images, drawings or other types of inanimate objects (plasticine figures, for example). It is usually considered an optical illusion.

ART CURATOR OR CURATOR: Curator or art curator is the person in charge of the “artistic curatorship of an exhibition” or of “curating an exhibition.” It is a function of museums, art exhibitions and art collecting. It should not be confused with the conservation and restoration functions of works of art.

ARTIVISM: is an acronym formed by the combination of the words “activist” and “artist” with the meaning of “art with an explicit social content”.

BODY ART: Artistic movement that tries to exploit to the maximum the capacities of the human body as an artistic material and its relationship with nature.

COLLAGE: Pictorial technique that consists of gluing on a support that can be a canvas or a paper, other materials such as pieces of paper, photographs, fabrics, fragments of newspaper and much more.
The collage also represents the pictorial work or composition made with this technique.

COLUNGE: Type of involuntary sculpture that consists of introducing a liquid or melted material in cold water, thus adopting a random shape.

DECALCOMANIA: Artistic technique consisting in the application of black gouache on paper, generating a pressure and reproducing the image.

DIGITAL PHOTOMONTAGE: The process, and also the result, of making an illustration composed of others, is a kind of collage. This composition can be made by cutting other illustrations by putting together a certain number of them.

DRAWING: It is a form of graphic expression that consists of capturing images on a flat space through different types of drawing instruments.

ELECTROGRAPHY: Electrography can be defined as all the technical procedures by which images are reproduced by means of electrostatic printing copying machines, so that when a shot of the work created by the artist is taken, it can later be printed.

EMBROIDERY: An art that consists of the ornamentation of a flexible surface, usually a fabric, by means of textile threads.

FROTTAGE: Artistic technique that consists in rubbing a pencil on a paper placed on an object.

GRAFFITI: A form of free painting is called graffiti or graffiti, noted for its illegality, generally carried out in urban spaces.

GRATTAGE: Technique of surrealist painting that consists in scratching on a surface creating a special texture similar to relief or a third dimension.

HAPPENING: Multidisciplinary artistic manifestation that requires the direct participation of the spectator. Its structure is based on provoking, participating and improvising.

ILLUSTRATION: Photograph, drawing or plate that is placed in a text or printed matter to graphically represent what is exposed, to exemplify or to make the result more attractive.

INSTALLATION: Consists of the projection of the work by the artist in direct relation to the space. It attempts to establish a dialogue between the viewer and the space, breaking with the traditional exhibition space.An art installation is a genre of contemporary art that emerged in the 1960s in the idea that the work prevails over its formal aspects. It is part of the experimental art form, can be temporary or permanent and can be presented in any space. An installation is made in and for a specific context and space. By definition, it has a determined duration and, therefore, it falls within what is known as ephemeral art. In most cases it allows an active interaction with the viewer.

INTERDISCIPLINARY: encompassing aspects of several disciplines, but in a specific aspect. The difference between trans and inter, would be that trans covers the areas that compose it, in the inter a part of knowledge is taken from different areas, but not the whole.

INTERVENTION: An action that modifies one or more of the properties of a space, which becomes an artistic space because a person decides to act on it. Actions that take place in the urban space, the artistic object leaves the gallery and seeks the reaction of the passerby. They are usually critical to show the manipulation.

KITSCH: Pretentious, cheesy and tasteless or old-fashioned aesthetic.

LAND ART: The natural space becomes the support of the work, modifying and altering the landscape to create an artistic object.

MAP: Geographical representation of the Earth, or part of it, on a flat surface, according to a scale. Set of elements of the same type or category that have a specific spatial distribution.

NET ART: Artistic and symbolic production made for the Internet network.

PAINT: Understood as a graphic representation from the use of pigments and / or other substances for the creation of a visual work.

PAPIROFLEXIA: An art that consists of folding paper without using scissors or glue to obtain figures of various shapes, many of which could be considered paper sculptures.

PARTICIPATION: feminine noun. Intervention in an event, an act or an activity. “the next festival will count on the participation of famous artists”.

PERFORMANCE: Scenic show where the artist himself participates and whose purpose is a reaction on the part of the spectator. The performance consists of an artistic spectacle whose main particular signs are, on the one hand the improvisation that dominates the artistic representation and on the other hand the emphasis that is attributed to the aesthetic question, that is to say, in the performances, both the action and the image go hand in hand and the same intensity is put in that both are forceful. As a consequence of these two values is that performances usually awaken in those who appreciate them a lot of astonishment.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Process by which images are projected, captured and captured, either by fixing them on a light-sensitive medium or by converting them into electronic signals.

PHOTOMONTAGE: Photographic composition in which photographs are used for artistic, advertising, etc. purposes. It consists of editing, manually or digitally, of a real photograph in order to create a new image.

POSTER: A poster is an advertising support. It consists of a sheet of paper, cardboard or other material that is printed with some kind of visual message (text, images and all kinds of graphic resources) that serves as an advertisement to disseminate information, an event, an economic good, a claim or any other cause.

PUBLIC ART: everything that requires intervention in a place within the reach of any person and acts in it being or revealing some needs for which the work has been made.

SCULPTURE: Art and technique of representing objects or creating figures in three dimensions by working or carving a material, such as clay, stone, wood or bronze.

SITE-SPECIFIC: The term refers to a type of artwork specifically designed for a particular location. If the piece is moved from the specific site where it has been mounted, it loses substantial, if not all, of its meaning and/or purpose.

SOCIAL CRITICISM: It is the opinion of a society or community, often defined in terms of criticism, either of the whole, or at least, of substantive aspects of it. Such criticism is made on a radical basis, but the term is not exclusive. It uses principles, conceptual or theoretical schemes to analyze and explain social structures with which it disagrees. Some consider it to be a branch of sociology, but those who practice social criticism generally consider the activity to be inherently interdisciplinary, on the one hand nourishing and on the other contributing to disciplines such as art, anthropology, geography, economics, philosophy, history, linguistics, sociology, theology….

SOUFFLAGE: Soufflage is a surrealist technique that consists of sucking up liquid paint to create a new image. The maximum representative is Jimmy Ernst.

STICKER: is a text or image support printed or silkscreened on a vinyl or paper sheet with a thin layer of adhesive on the back.

STREET-ART: It refers to all street art, often illegal. It encompasses various forms of street art expression, although the term was originally attributed to what some people consider post-graffiti.

SUBVERTISING: are the actions of production and diffusion of anti-advertising or parodied advertising. It is a form of Guerrilla Communication where texts and images of the advertising industry are used to deconstruct advertisements, mainly aimed at counter-advertising through the most used and visible media.

TACTICS: Tactics is the system or method that is developed to execute a plan and obtain a particular objective. The term is also used to refer to the ability to apply such a system.

TRANSDISCIPLINARY: it covers several disciplines in a transversal way and it is above all of them, that is to say, its scope of action is superior to that of each of the disciplines.

TRANSFERS: It is a manual transfer of a drawing or photograph from paper to another surface where we want it to be fixed.

VIDEOART: Artistic production using video as a support with two main functions: to film the performance or as an autonomous element incorporating itself into the new discourse of art. Video art is an artistic movement that emerged in the United States and Europe around 1963, living its peak in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century, although it still maintains its validity. It experienced the different trends of the time, such as fluxus (with which it is especially related), conceptual art, performances or minimalism. Video art is a type of art that is based on moving images and consists of video and/or audio data. Video art can take many forms: recordings that are broadcast, videos in galleries or other venues, or distributed as videotapes or DVD discs; sculptural installations, which may incorporate one or more television sets or video monitors, visualization of ‘live’ or recorded images and sound; and performances that include video representations.

VIDEOCREATION: Artistic audiovisual piece, usually a short film, which tends to be presented in a poetic, abstract, experimental or documentary genre with social criticism.

VIDEOINTERVIEW: A video interview is a job interview that, instead of taking place in an office where the interviewer and candidate meet, is conducted over the Internet. The candidate, from home or wherever he/she is, can attend the interview and so can the interviewer.

VOCAL MESSAGE: A message, according to the theory of communication, is the information that the sender sends to the receiver through a communication channel. Voice messaging allows you to reply to a message sent to you by another subscriber once you have heard it, without having to hang up and dial a number.


BENCH: A bench is a long piece of furniture with a simple structure on which several people can sit at the same time. The bench is commonly used in public places such as parks, gardens, train stations, airports, etc. This type of urban furniture is made of various materials such as wood, metal, stone, or cement.

BICYCLE LANE: it is a cycling path that runs parallel to a road, it can be one or two-way.

BUILDING SITE: In Spain, a plot of land is a portion of land that may be built on at some point in time. It should also be noted that it is not possible to build on farms or plots of land that have not been catalogued as plots of land. Often a lot is the result of the demolition of a previously built house.

CLEARING: That which is uncovered, has no dwellings, nor vegetation, especially when it is close to a populated area.

CROSSWALK: It is a transversal line marked on the road before the intersection that indicates to the driver the limit to stop the vehicle following the corresponding signal.

FACADE: Part or visible face of a ship, of the exterior walls of a building or of another thing in relation to its situation.

GARBAGE CONTAINERS: A container used to store garbage that is usually made of metal or plastic. Most garbage cans have a top lid to prevent odors and some have pedals that open the lid when stepped on.

GARDEN: Land on which ornamental plants and flowers are cultivated to make it a pleasant place.

INTERNET: It is a system of interconnected networks using different protocols that offers a great diversity of services and resources.

PARK: Enclosed land in rural or urban areas, generally with plants and trees, intended for various uses, especially public recreation.

PARKING: A place or enclosure for parking vehicles.

PLAYGROUND: A space, generally enclosed, equipped with various facilities, such as swings and slides, for the amusement of children.

PUBLIC SQUARE: A square is a public urban space, wide or small and uncovered, in which a great variety of activities are usually carried out. There are many shapes and sizes, and built in all ages, but there is no city in the world that does not have one.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Transport service of a city that can be used by any person to move from one place to another in exchange for an amount of money.

RIVER: Natural watercourse that flows permanently and flows into another, into a lake or into the sea.

ROAD: Public road, wide and spacious, paved and arranged for vehicular traffic.

SCHOOL YARD: it is one of the few spaces, within the school, designed exclusively for play and recreation for children. However, in general, they are poor in design and equipment; often uncomfortable and stimulating and far removed from nature.

SEA: A body of salt water that covers approximately three-quarters of the earth’s surface.

SIDEWALK: Edge of the street or other public road, usually slightly raised and paved, located next to the facades of the houses and particularly reserved for pedestrian traffic.

STREET: A thoroughfare in a town that is generally bounded on both sides by blocks or rows of buildings. There are a multitude of streets, some of them are even fascinating, strange, suggestive, etc. Public places where the daily life of a city or town is represented.

TERRITORY: Extension of land that belongs to a state, province or other type of political division.

UNDER THE BRIDGES: Lower part of the bridge, where mostly homeless people are who occupy this location as a home.


AEROSOLS: When speaking (especially loudly), singing, shouting, coughing, sneezing, or simply breathing, we emit small droplets through our nose and mouth that may contain germs. Respiratory transmission through these droplets is the main route of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (and other respiratory infections as well).

ANIMAL: Organic being that lives, feels and moves by its own impulse.

ANOSMIA: Total loss of the sense of smell. It can be temporary or chronic. When the loss is partial, the term hyposmia is used.

ANTIBODIES: Antibodies are proteins that are part of the immune system and circulate in the blood. When they recognize foreign substances in the body, such as viruses and bacteria or their toxins, they neutralize them.

ANTIBODY TESTS: These tests do not identify the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in human organisms, but rather the antibodies produced by our body to defend itself against the virus. Therefore, their main purpose is to identify past SARS-CoV-2 infection, even in people who never had symptoms. These tests are performed in the late stages of infection, when our body has already had time to generate antibodies, but occasionally they can help in the diagnosis of current, i.e. ongoing, infection.

ANTIGENS: Any molecule recognized as foreign by the human body and which generates a specific immune response, either mediated by antibodies or by cells (lymphocytes).

ANTI-HOMELESS ARCHITECTURE: Called “formally” hostile architecture, it is an urban architecture that develops a whole passive arsenal that makes it difficult or directly prevents homeless people from sleeping or staying in certain public spaces. Steel spikes are placed in arcades, peaked stones under highway bridges, armrests on long park benches, and a host of other methods.

APOROPHOBIA: Phobia of poor or disadvantaged people.

ASSOCIATION: An association is a legal entity constituted by agreement of three or more legally constituted natural or legal persons, who undertake to pool knowledge, means and activities to achieve lawful, common purposes, of general or particular interest, and which are provided with statutes governing its operation.

ASTHENIA: General weakness or fatigue that makes it difficult or impossible for a person to perform tasks that under normal conditions are easily done.

ASYMPTOMATIC: A person who, while infected with coronavirus, does not have the symptoms associated with the disease. The term oligosymptomatic is used for people who develop mild symptoms, usually of short duration. It is often used for people who do not develop symptoms during the entire course of the disease.

ATOMIZATION: Fragmentation or dispersion of a thing in very small parts.

BIOPOLITICS: Biopolitics is a concept introduced by Foucault to describe the transformations of modern forms of government, characterized by the deployment of a whole set of technologies, practices, strategies and political rationalities aimed at the government of life.

BODY: masculine noun. Set of parts that form a living being: “the human body consists of head, trunk and limbs” the word body is also synonymous with corpse. Other meanings would be body as substance: “the presence of a foreign body in the lungs is appreciated”, body as part of a literary work, expression “the body asks me”, to show appetite for something.

BOTELLÓN: Open-air gathering of young people, noisy and generally nocturnal, in which alcoholic beverages are consumed in abundance.

BUBBLE GROUPS (SCHOOLS): Groups of stable coexistence that are formed in kindergarten and primary schools to minimize contact with the rest of the students in the school who are not part of that group. The members of the bubble group can play and interact with each other, but not with the rest of the students of the center, to minimize the risk of transmission of the disease and facilitate the detection of new cases if any contagion occurs.

CAPACITY: Maximum authorized number of people that can be admitted to an enclosure destined for spectacles or other public events. In the different phases of the pandemic, the health authorities have established the maximum number of people allowed inside stores, restaurants, classrooms, means of transport, even in hotel terraces, in order to reduce the risk of contagion.

CAPITALISM: Economic and social system based on private ownership of the means of production, on the importance of capital as a generator of wealth and on the allocation of resources through the market mechanism.

CHILDHOOD: Period of human life from birth to puberty.

CIRCULATION: feminine noun. Action of circulating: “the circulation of automobiles on the highways of the State”. Different contexts; circulating on a public road, circulation of blood, circulation of products in the market, circulation of rumors. Continuous movement.

CITY: Set of buildings and streets, governed by a city council, whose dense and large population is usually dedicated to non-agricultural activities.

COHABITANT: A person who lives in the same household as a person with COVID-19 and is therefore considered to be in close contact.

COLLECTIVITY: Set of people living in the same territory and sharing certain circumstances (interests, norms, habits, culture, etc.).

COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION: It is assumed that there is community transmission of an infectious disease when a relevant part of the detected cases cannot be related to known cases, i.e. they are not secondary cases to already identified cases.

CONFINEMENT: Temporary and generally imposed isolation of a population, a person or a group for health or safety reasons.

CONTAMINATION: When elements or substances that should not normally be in an environment enter it and affect the balance of the ecosystem.

CORONAVIRUS: A large family of viruses that can cause disease in both animals and humans.

COVID-19 NEGATIONISM: Belief that the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 and the associated pandemic do not exist, or that they are not as severe as they are.

COVID-19 SYMPTOMS: The most frequent symptoms presented by patients are fever, dry cough and tiredness (asthenia). Other less frequent symptoms include: aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, anosmia and/or ageusia, skin lesions on the fingers or toes. Severe symptoms are difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, and inability to speak or move. Requires urgent consultation with a health care professional.

CRUISING: English term that defines sexual activity in public places, such as parks, beaches or open spaces. Always with strangers or you can meet through a dating app.

CURVEW: The term refers to any situation in which a government restricts the mobility of citizens, usually at night, due to exceptional situations.

DEATH: End of life.

DECENTRALIZATION: The process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority.

DELIVERERS: A person whose job is to deliver packages, merchandise or documents to individuals, companies or institutions. Deliverymen transport goods either from the factory where they are produced to the points of sale, or from the store to the consumer’s home. To do his job, the deliveryman can make the journey on foot or use different means of transport such as bicycle, motorcycle, car, van or truck. The delivery driver’s duties include delivering the goods to the right place and collecting payment for them or, where appropriate, receiving a receipt or receipt for the delivery.

DISEASE: Mild or serious alteration of the normal functioning of an organism or of any of its parts due to an internal or external cause.

ECOFEMINISM: It is the current of feminism that integrates the ecological thematic.

ECOLOGY: Science that studies living beings as inhabitants of an environment, and the relationships they maintain among themselves and with the environment itself.

ENDEMIA: A disease that affects a given country or region on a regular basis or on fixed dates.

ERE: It is a procedure by which a company in a bad economic situation seeks to obtain authorization to suspend or fire workers.

ERTE: It is a procedure by which a company in an exceptional situation seeks to obtain authorization to fire workers, suspend employment contracts or temporarily reduce working hours, when they go through technical and organizational difficulties that put the continuity of the company at risk.

FEMINICIDE: Murder of a woman for the fact of being one.

FEMINISM: Social movement that demands for women the recognition of capacities and rights that have traditionally been reserved for men, a social and political movement that seeks equality between women and men.

FREEDOM: In a broad sense, the human capacity to act of one’s own free will.

GENDER: A technical term specific to the social sciences to refer to the set of differentiated cultural characteristics derived from the sexual conformation of people, which can be organized as part of a binary system (masculine/feminine).

GENDER VIOLENCE: Gender violence is a type of physical, psychological, symbolic and institutional violence, exercised against any person or group of people on the basis of their sexual orientation or identity, sex or gender that negatively impacts their identity. and social, physical, psychological or economic well-being.

GEOLOCALIZATION: Geolocation is the ability to obtain the actual geographic location of an object, such as a radar, a cell phone or a computer connected to the Internet. Geolocation can refer to location query, or for actual location query. The term geolocation is closely related to the use of positioning systems, but can be distinguished from these by a greater emphasis on determining a meaningful position (e.g., a street address) and not just a set of geographic coordinates. This process is generally employed by geographic information systems, an organized set of hardware and software, plus geographic data, that is specially designed to capture, store, manipulate and analyze in all its possible forms the referenced geographic information.

GLOBALIZATION: Globalization, sometimes referred to as mundialization, is a worldwide economic, technological, political, social and cultural process that consists of increasing communication and interdependence among the different countries of the world, uniting their social markets through a series of social and political transformations that give them a global character. Globalization is often identified as a dynamic process produced mainly by society and which has opened its doors to the information revolution, reaching a considerable level of liberalization and democratization in its political culture, in its national legal and economic order, and in its national and international relations.

GROUP IMMUNITY: Occurs when a population has a sufficient proportion of people immune to a given infectious agent. These people act as a firewall, limiting the transmission capacity of the pathogen to non-immune people.

HEALTH PASSPORT: Apparently it would be a digital document with information about each person in relation to COVID-19: PCR, if that person has passed it or not, if he/she is vaccinated and when… in order to allow people to recover mobility and normalize travel from summer onwards.

HOME: Habitual domicile of a person and in which he develops his private or family life.

HYDROALCOHOLIC GEL: product used to stop the spread of germs.

HYPERCONNECTIVITY: It is a concept that summarizes the current situation of human beings in which they live permanently connected to information through different devices such as radio, television, internet and cell phones.

IDENTITY: Circumstance of being a person or thing in particular and not another, determined by a set of traits or characteristics that differentiate it from others.

IMMATERIAL: That which belongs to the spirit or which cannot be perceived by the senses.

INCIDENCE: Number of new cases of a disease in a defined population per unit of time.

INDIVIDUALISM: Tendency of a person to act according to his own will, without taking into account the opinion of the other individuals belonging to the same group and without paying attention to the rules of behavior that regulate their relationships.

INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE): Any equipment, accessory or clothing normally used by health professionals to protect themselves from exposure to infectious agents.

INFODEMIA: A situation of excess information that makes it difficult to access reliable, documented and truthful sources.

INTERFERENCE: Alteration or disturbance of the normal development of one thing through the interposition of another that can become an obstacle.

ISOLATION: Separating people who are sick with symptoms of COVID 19 and may be contagious in order to prevent the spread of the disease. Physical distancing means being physically separated.

LETHALITY RATE: the proportion of people who die from a disease among those affected by the disease in a given period and area.

LOCAL COMMERCE: Refers to the collaborative effort to build economies based on local, regional or county products. Specifically in the area of food, it refers to integrated production, processing, distribution and consumption to improve the economy, environment, health and social relations of a particular place and is considered part of a broader movement, such as the sustainable movement. The term is part of the buy local and community-based economy, i.e., a preference for buying locally produced goods and services.

LONELINESS: Feeling of sadness or melancholy that one has for the lack, absence or death of a person.

MASK: A device designed to protect the wearer from inhaling hazardous atmospheric inhalation, including fumes, vapors, gases and particulate matter such as dusts and airborne microorganisms, bacteria and viruses as well as to protect others when the wearer may spread disease.

MEMORY: Image or set of images of past events or situations that remain in the mind.

MENTAL HEALTH: The pandemic has altered our routines and poses a challenge to mental health, especially for people living alone, those with psychiatric or somatic problems, those in a situation of dependency, or health or educational professionals subjected to stress that has become chronic, and to continuous decision making, often without clear criteria. Mental health is, in general terms, the state of balance between a person and his or her socio-cultural environment that ensures his or her participation in work, intellectual, relationships to achieve well-being and quality of life.

MESSENGER: Mail and parcel delivery service provided by a company.

MIGRATION: Population movement that consists of leaving the place of residence to settle in another country or region, generally for economic or social reasons.

MOBILE TECHNOLOGY: Technology that allows communication between two devices that are not connected by wires and is based on the transmission and reception of messages or signals by means of electromagnetic waves.

NATURE: Set of things that exist in the world or that are produced or modified without human intervention.

PANDEMIC: Epidemic disease that spreads to many countries or that attacks almost all individuals in a locality or region.

PANDEMIC CITY:A city suffering from an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread over a geographically extensive area, affecting a considerable number of people.

PANDEMIC FATIGUE: Pandemic fatigue in their populations, understood as the lack of motivation of the population to comply with the recommended protective behaviors and safety measures.

PASSAGE: Passage between two streets that goes under the houses, or narrow and short streets.

PASSENGER: Person walking on a public road.

PCR: PCR, which stands for ‘Polymerase Chain Reaction’, is a diagnostic test that allows the detection of a fragment of the genetic material of a pathogen. In the coronavirus pandemic, as in so many other public health crises related to infectious diseases, it is being used to determine whether or not a person is infected with coronavirus.

PERIMETRAL CLOSURE: Governmental measure that consists of closing the borders of an autonomous community or a municipality, with the purpose of limiting the mobility of people between places with different incidence of the pandemic. Internal movement of people is not restricted unless there are simultaneous measures (e.g., nighttime confinement).

POST PANDEMIC: “After” the pandemic.

POVERTY: Scarcity or lack of the necessities of life.

PRINT: Trace, sign, trace left by someone or something.

PRIVACY: Intimate and reserved spiritual zone of a person or a group.

PUBLIC SPHERE: it is the configuration of spaces of social spontaneity free from state interference as well as from market and media regulations. A space of free expression, participation and deliberation is created; emerging public opinion in its informal phase, as well as civic organizations and, in general, everything that from outside questions, critically evaluates and influences politics.

QR: A QR code is a square two-dimensional barcode that can store encoded data. Most of the time the data is a link to a website (URL).

QUARANTINE: Isolation of people (or animals) for a period of time (depending on the disease), with the objective of reducing the risk of spreading a communicable disease or pest.

RADAR-COVID: It is an app (mobile application) designed from Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation with the support of the Ministry of Health and the autonomous communities in its implementation and evaluation, to help control the spread of COVID-19 through the identification of possible close contacts of confirmed cases through Bluetooth technology.

RAPIDITY: The relationship between the space or distance an object travels and the time it spends doing so.

RAVE: Festive gathering of music fans, usually held without authorization in an abandoned building or in the open air.

RECYCLING: The process of collecting and transforming materials into new products that would otherwise be discarded as waste.

RIDERS: He is a food and product delivery man who works for digital platforms. Glovo, Deliveroo, Stuart or Uber Eats are some of the best known.

SADNESS: Feeling of emotional pain produced by an unfavorable event that usually manifests itself with a pessimistic mood, dissatisfaction and a tendency to cry.

SENSITIZATION: Process by which an organism becomes sensitive and reacts visibly to a given physical, chemical or biological aggression.

SOCIAL ANXIETY: A mental health problem. It is an intense and persistent fear of being watched and judged by others. This fear can affect work, school, and other daily activities. It can even make it difficult to make and keep friends.

SOCIAL CIRCLE: Set of people with whom we relate to in different areas: work, leisure, family, etc.

SOCIAL CLASSES: Social classes differentiate people according to the living conditions they have, some examples of social class would be on the one hand the nobility or upper class who have a higher level of welfare, and on the other hand, those who are in a situation of lack as lower class.

SOCIAL DISTANCE: Physical distancing, personal distancing or healthy distance, also known as social distancing, is a set of non-pharmaceutical infection control measures aimed at stopping or slowing the spread of a contagious disease.

SOLIDARITY: Unconditional adherence or support for the causes or interests of others, especially in compromising or difficult situations.

SPACE: physical medium in which bodies and movements are situated, and which is usually characterized as homogeneous, continuous, three-dimensional and unlimited. It is a place with determined limits and common characteristics or purposes.

SPEED: Relationship established between the space or distance an object travels and the time it spends doing so.

STABLE LIVING GROUP: A group of people who, because of their activity, maintain a daily relationship with other people, for example, a school group; while the risk of contagion lasts, it is advisable to reduce face-to-face social interactions with other people outside the group.

STATE OF ALARM: Extraordinary situation decreed by the Council of Ministers and controlled by Parliament, which allows the temporary and justified restriction of fundamental rights due to catastrophes, calamities, health crises, etc.

TIME: Determined period during which an action is performed or an event takes place.

TRANSIT: the circulation of bodies, whether of persons or vehicles, occupying a specific place and time.

TRANSPORTER: A person whose occupation is to transport goods, generally by road.

TRIP: Action of traveling.

VACCINE: A substance composed of a suspension of attenuated or dead microorganisms that is introduced into the body to prevent and treat certain infectious diseases; it stimulates the formation of antibodies, thus providing immunization against these diseases.
-Sputnik V
-Sputnik Light

VENTILATION OF SPACES: The ventilation of living spaces is one of the essential measures for preventing the spread of COVID-19, and is linked above all to contagion by aerosols. That is why it is necessary to renew the air in subway cars, buses, classrooms and also in personal homes.

ZOONOSIS: Any disease and/or infection that is naturally “transmissible from vertebrate animals to man” is classified as a zoonosis according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) publication “Zoonoses and transmissible diseases common to man and animals”.
Anthropozoonosis is any cell-borne pathogen that is naturally transmitted from animals (mostly vertebrates) to humans, and vice versa. Some researchers define anthropozoonoses as diseases transmitted by humans to animals and zooanthropononoses as diseases transmitted by animals to humans – and when it occurs in a bidirectional manner and of equal magnitude it is called amphioxenosis – which in both cases is still a zoonosis.