Judith Martinez Gambín
1999, Callosa de Segura
Interdisciplinary visual artist. I reflect on my own and / or other people’s daily environment that influences us. In any process and implementation I keep out all material originating from animal exploitation, highlighting a line of commitment to the possibility / responsibility of my creations.
When addressing ideas, whether in private or collaborative projects, I make initial annotations, written outlines, drawings. I design the structure in this way and I think about the solution of what to show. Also directly with photography, I can start that process that I later retouch, digitally vary in Photoshop, intervene illustrating, etc., molding its character, arriving at photomontage or simply changing the result. I do not close myself to what more sculptural practices offer, materials and their play in the image, but prioritizing their visual or performative register more than their durability as a piece itself, as well as its quality: renewable, recyclable or without great impacts production mainly.
As a recurring theme, I highlight those differences in the normativity or hegemony of: gender, affective-sexual, political … Wanting to show the diversity that does not meet rigid or simplistic parameters, bureaucratizing and executing what is duly acceptable. Not always approaching it from a serious point of criticism, but with different nuances and moods, depending on the moment and context, although usually with a punk cut in its forms.
In short, my work is nourished by constant discovery, awareness and participation / awareness of what it takes to live, feel. What affects us and how we affect. Therefore, everything can be a precursor or need a change of focus.