Mau Monleón Pradas
Valencia, Spain
Visual artist and feminist curator, specialist in public art and transmedia.
Studies at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf, Germany. Tenured Professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Member of the Laboratory of Intermediate Creations LCI and director of the Platform Art Against Gender Violence ACVG.
She works with a gender perspective on issues of violence, migration, roles, work, education, identity, city and territory. In his work, a social function stands out, putting art at the service of citizens through participatory art projects. She has exhibited and disseminated her work in numerous national and international museums, galleries and public spaces and curated exhibitions of international significance on art and gender violence.
As a result of the pandemic produced by COVID-19, Mau Monleón Pradas would curate the Pandemic House exhibition in 2020, a multifaceted and multidisciplinary artistic proposal of virtual connection through the home. Referring to the feminist project Womenhouse, Pandemic House proposes the creation of a common home based on the personal experience of each of the members of the collective Pandemic Tactics.
As a feminist curator, her projects MEDIAPOLITIK 02, STANDARD Galería de IMOCA, Valencia, Spain, 2018; his series of exhibitions Kapital 03 / Biotopes and political identities, 2017, Kapital 02 / No Sexism, 2016 and Kapital 01 / AkTivo 2015, Las Naves-Espacio de Promoción Contemporánea Valencia, Spain; the traveling exhibition on gender gaps at work Women in Work. Woman, Art and Work in Globalization, UPV Exhibition Hall and October Gallery, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, 2017; Artivismo, Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia, 2016; ECO-EGO-SUM, The Naves-Space of Contemporary Creation, Valencia, 2014; and the international monographic exhibition on gender violence In-Out House. Circuits of gender and violence in the technological era, UPV Exhibition Hall, 2012 and Room X, Pontevedra, 2013.
Between 2020 and 21, he exhibited his project #PortalDeIgualdad at the IVAM Valencian Institute of Modern Art. Campaign for Equality in Museums and Education. This participatory artivist campaign has led him to found, together with its members, the COLECTIVA PORTAL DE EQUALIDAD, born in December 2021 and in charge of claiming an Equality Portal on the websites of Museums and Art Centers.
She is the author of the project Maps of women who care10 that she exhibited at the Kessler-Battaglia Gallery (2010) 11 and Human Contrageographies (2007) 12 in the context of the exhibition Genealogies of feminist art in Spanish art 1960-2010 13 At the Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y León MUSAC (2012). These exhibitions and individual projects have marked the career of the artist, becoming part of collections and studies on art and female migrations.
Her participatory project #EqualWorkEqualRights, on the sexual division at work and in education (2018-19) 14 denounces, from a feminist perspective, the inequalities between men and women that are still present today. As a tribute to the Equal Rights Amendment and under the guise of Curriculum Vitae and Social Campaign, we start from the portraits, stories and dreams of eighteen students from the University of Valencia: Col·legi Major Rector Peset to show different critical content layers. The campaign derived from this project has been exhibited at the CEEE Erico Verissimo Cultural Center of Porto Alegre in Brazil (2019-20) and in the public sphere through social networks. She is also the author of the project #Portaldeigualdad #Patiosporlaigualdad. Campaign for Equality between women and men in the museum and in education, 2020-21.
#Portaldeigualdad #Patiosporlaigualdad. Campaign for Equality between women and men in the museum and in education, IVAM Valencian Institute of Modern Art and social media, Spain.
#WomenWorldRights, Derar Bin Al Azwar Secondary School, Amman, Jordan.
#MadreTierra, Wall Room, Rector Peset Hall of Residence, Valencia, Spain.
#EqualWorkEqualRights. On the division of labor and education, Sala de la Muralla, Colegio Mayor Rector Peset, Valencia, Spain.
Awareness campaign against gender inequalities at work and in education, Valencia and Ágora historical center of the UPV, Spain.
Women in Work, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
Attention! machismo kills, Rafael Calduch Painter Room, Villar Del Arzobispo, Valencia, Spain.
Mau Monleón Pradas, Aula Magna, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Italy.
Mau Monleón Pradas, Universität Weimar, Germany.
Kunst als sozialer Raum. Mau Monleón Pradas, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Germany.
In Out House, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
Care Crisis, Futura – Center for Contemporary Art, Prague.
The pensive image, Puertas de Castilla Municipal Center. Murcia, Spain.
Maps of Caring Women, Kessler Bataglia Gallery, Valencia, Spain. www.lasmujeresquecuidan
World Chains of Affection, Sala Puertas de Castilla, Murcia, Spain.
Urban counter-geographies, Line 7 of the Valencia EMT Bus, Spain.
Narine, Vilma,…, walls of the historic center of Alginet, Valencia, Spain. (In collaboration with Alexa Cuesta.)
The house, Cabañal-Cañamelar, Valencia, Spain.
Prison house, Facade of the old prison house in Teulada, Alicante, Spain.
Elsewhere. Elsewhere, Espai d’Art La Llotgeta, Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, CAM, Valencia, Spain.
Territori Public, Pza. Of the City Council of Jávea, Alicante, Spain.
The architect is still absent, Tomás March Gallery, Valencia, Spain.
Spaces of welfare. Wellness Spaces, North Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The squash game, Cabañal-Cañamelar, Valencia, Spain.
Ideas of welfare. Wellness Ideas, Soldenfeldt Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Sculpture Ideas, www. upv.es/ideasescultura, Spain.
Verbo, Club Diario Levante, Valencia, Spain.
Mau Monleón Pradas has been awarded various prizes and scholarships by institutions such as the Instituto de la Juventud and Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid; the Valencia City Council; the Savings Bank of Valencia and Russafa Cultura Viva of Valencia, among others.
He has received the Alfons Roig Award from the Alfons el Magnànim Institution for unpublished publications in 1995. He has received, among others, the European Award for creation Pepinières européenes pour jeunes artistes awarded by the Commission of European Communities and the French Ministry of Culture, as well as the Germinations II Prize by the Franco-German Youth Institute and the Madrid Youth Institute.
First Prize Sculpture in the Biennial of Young Creators of Mediterranean Europe of the City Councils of Valencia and Marseille. He has also obtained several resident artist stays at the Föiskola in Budapest in Hungary; the Kulturfabrikken in Copenhagen in Denmark, or the Fábrica des Metallurgiques in Paris in France, among others.
IN-OUT Festival Public Art Competition, Jordan National Gallery, Amman, Jordan.
Critical Balcony First Prize to the Art and Activism Group. A les Balconades, Ruzafa, Valencia, Spain.
Prize for artistic creation. Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, CAM, Valencia, Spain.
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European award for creation. Pepinières européenes pour jeunes artistes, Commission of the European Communities and Ministry of Culture, France.
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First prize for unpublished research works on the arts. Alfons Roig Research Award, Provincial Council, Valencia, Spain.
European award for creation. Germinations II, Franco-German Youth Institute & Youth Institute, Madrid, Spain.
Biennial of Young Creators of Mediterranean Europe, City Councils of Valencia and Marseille. First Prize Sculpture.
First Prize Sculpture. Young Art Show ’88, Instituto de la Juventud y Círculo de BBAA, Madrid, Spain.
Senyera ’88 Award, Hon. Valencia City Council, Spain. Sculpture Finalist.
Mention and acquisition of the work. XV Spring Salon of Painting and Sculpture, Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Spain.
He has published a multitude of texts, among which the book “The experience of limits” stands out. Hybrids between sculpture and photography in the eighties (1999).
She has recently been editor of the publication Art and activism against gender violence (2020), in the Hors de Brumaria Collection.
His publication stands out: “Towards a visibility of the crisis of care. Social art in the face of the new postcolonial slavery ”in Miradas postcoloniales. Latin America. Art and Identity Policies (2010).
She is co-author of the book We talk. Overcoming discrimination and violence in adolescence (2011). She has published: “Taking positions towards the empowerment of women in the feminist agency and empowerment in visual arts (2011); “Art and technology against gender violence. ACVG ”, in Art and Identity Policies (2012); In-Out House. Gender circuits and violence in the technological age (2012). He has published his research on the critical aspect of photography and video in the Valencian community, in the book by several authors coordinated by Román de la Calle: The Last Years of Contemporary Valencian Art III (2013).
Other publications: “Towards A Socio-Political Ethics Of Art And Technology In The Era Of Globalization. Fighting Gender Violence In The Public Sphere ”in Critical Cartography of Art and Visuality in the Global Age (2014); “Participatory art against gender violence and inequality between the sexes” in Artistaas, violencias, affections, dialogues, creaciones (2015); Sorry for the inconvenience, machismo kills (2015); “Social art in the face of the care crisis. Making female migrations visible as new forms of post-colonial slavery ”. The thoughtful image. Visual essay and contemporary practices in the Spanish state. 16 looks at video art (2018); “Audio Visual Creation as an Activist and Educational Tool against Gender Inequality: A Case Study.” Critical Cartography of Art and Visuality in the Global Age II: The Territories of the Contemporary (2018).