Valencia, España 2000
Sonia Martí was born in Valencia, Spain the 10th of March 2000. She finished primary and middle school in the college of Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San Vicente de Paúl, located in Valencia. After that she finished high school with inclination into arts in the instituto IES BENLLIURE. In the autumn of 2018, Martí started her degree of Bellas Artes(Fine Art) in the faculty of San Carlos, being part of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain.
At the moment she is dedicated to finishing her degree, although she always finds time to create digital designs and illustrations, occasionally followed by creation of video-animations or editing of pictures and videos. She looks up to Filip Custer as an artistic reference, for using numerous rhetorical figures, such as metaphor and pleonasm, thus being akin to the work carried out by Martí.