Project Description

Termiternity. You are here
“Reality does not end in temporality; it is not now temporary and later eternal, but temporary, all in one ”.
The experience of tempternity is living the present as an intense experience of the moment, without reference to the past that already was, or the future that will be. It is the present in which a truly such action is carried out, that is, authentic and, therefore, unique ”.
Temperance comes to manifest that being and time are interrelated, in such a way that there is nothing that remains untouched by time, not even eternity. At the same time, the temporal aspect of total reality is “only a partial aspect of the temporal nature of things.”
While temporality involves present, past and future, temporality represents “the crystallization of the last temporal moment without further distensions”. It is neither eternity nor temporality. “Reality does not end in temporality: it is not now temporary and then eternal, but temporary.” The future itself does not exist; true hope, which is improperly called “for the future”, must try to discover at every moment that fullness that we seek: the future can be found in the present. “Time is the other side of what has been called eternity, so that time and eternity form what could be called tempiternity. Eternity does not come after time – nor did it exist before. The life of man on earth is not a simple pilgrimage towards God, reincarnation or nothingness, but rather constitutes a rhythm in which each moment is inhabited by the other eternal face ”. And it is that “If you intend to live your life fully, you will have to live it today without waiting for tomorrow,” he writes after a hard and dangerous pilgrimage. “You have to be willing to abandon history and say goodbye to time”; it is about getting to discover that “each step is the fulfillment of the pilgrimage, of the yâtrâ” (Pilgrimage to Kailâsa ”, Barcelona 2009).
The artistic intervention to be carried out aims to fix a heat seal. Said stamp will be inscribed with the word “tempiterno” with the pin that marks the location, thus inviting the people involved in the work to participate in the present moment, making this work a reminder of the unique moment.