Project Description

Tell me, how was your day? – The talking Bench

Our days add up to years. The years we accumulate add up to our life experience. Each day we live contributes to our years.
This work asks the individual about his day.
“¿Que tal tu dia?”

The bench, a horizontal surface without any other purpose than that the individual takes a seat, at a time when he is light-hearted and can take the time to communicate, exchange with the person sitting next to him, probably a familiar face. Or to reflect on his day, his thoughts circling in the spatiality of his thoughts.In this work the bench is put in the figurative sense in the position of a collector of these thoughts, the resume or as well the course of each individual’s day.

The answers were collected mainly on the benches of the Garden of Turia, but also selectively in other areas of the city. Qr-codes were used to access the online survey. The answers ranged from single words to whole texts. In this work I have only used the complete texts.
The preparations for this work, as well as the approach and execution, took place together with the intervention in the parks of the Garden of Turia. The documentation of the process can be seen in the section “the garden”. Another part of the series “Dime” is the Park with the question “Cuéntame tus sueños”.