Erik Godoy Selva
Graduated in Fine Arts in Polytechnic University of Valencia.
His main work ambits are animation, illustration and comics. He combines his characteristic cartoon language in these ambits with other artistic expressions, which he knows very well, such as music and performing. Connecting these disciplines, he is able to obtain very creative and original artistic results.
In addition, he shows a great passion for narrative, developing himself as an illustrator, storyboard artist, concept artist and animator. He wants to show sensitive and stimulating results with drawing, color and music as great protagonists.
He participated in some art festivals and expositions, like the collective exposition “Estado de arte”, in Buñol’s library (2019), the collective exposition in Macastre for the Cultural Spring (2019) or the individual exposition in the II and III Festival of art and design “De par en part” in Buñol (2016,2019).
He won some prizes of artistic posters, mural painting and literature, like the contest of the International women day 2018 of Cheste, the V literary contest of the IES Torís, or the contest of young mural painting in Yátova, where he painted the artwork on the facade of Yatova’s library.
He continues studying the animation world, his passion since he was young.