Project Description

Past and present
I started walking around the city accompanied by a ruler, a notebook and a pen, I measured some benches and I was visualizing what they were like and how I could interact with them. I verified that there were different varieties of banks around the city and I decided to visit and photograph those that had some relationship with me, that marked a specific memory or moment. My idea is to represent the figure of the bench, but with the transfer technique, thus creating a feeling of wear and tear, anchoring this feeling to the past time, to the memory. The element of the thread is also used as a means of joining the past memory and supporting the previous idea of evoking the previous time by embroidering or sewing the outline of a figure extracted from a photograph, which is also absent. The photographs used correspond to people from my close circle, who through the photomontage technique have been placed on benches, to later be traced on vegetable paper and already embroidered on the fabric.