Feyza Goecmenli
Feyza is an Architecture student from Düsseldorf, located in Germany, which is part of Europe, which is part of the galaxy popularly called the Milky Way, which is known to be a component of the universe.
To judge the sea, one must first learn the movements of the rivers.
Her nature manifested itself through bad education, chronic empathitis and a, in figurative sense, too thin skin that harbors a strong urge for expression.
She does not like to be reduced or potentiated to externalities and often does not perceive appearances visually, at least not in the context of conversational interaction with fellow human beings. Though she enjoys to look at things which she perceives as attractive, mostly colorful things. Sometimes she perceives in colors and patterns without the involvement of her eyes.
As a tendencyally emotional person, expression through creative means, which she has practiced since she can remember, has taken on a meditative value in her life, making her the „manager of her emotions“. In addition, her nature is characterized by an observative character, which usually appears unintentionally, and so she has taught herself in this context to keep an objective view of her environment, though she would wish for a more resilient, authentic, considerate society that dares to think multi-track.
Her art accommodates everything that moves her, mostly human being and its nature in the means of her own and the beings of her surrounding.
The execution is mostly characterized by abstraction of human body language or symbols, colors, etc. that express her desires or emotions, usually performed in digital presentation or on various textured (and natural white) papers executed with different signs and painting techniques, taking into account the extra effort of removing and cleaning the utensils.
In the architectural context she has a preference for deeper meanings as in the concept or experience of the volumetric body and likes to create different atmospheres and spatial perceptions, which often leads to surreal results. Her preference for architecture has a tendency to function as a performance for society and surrounding and less as a means of expressing oneself.
In Germany she works on different programs as well as with the museum of arts and the school of arts in Gelsenkirchen, a city stigmatized by many people for diverse issues, to promote creativity (in different manners) of younger generations and used to organize in the past exhibitons of their works.